Acts 16:25-34 Baptized For This Moment 21 July 2013
In the name of the Father, Son + and Holy Spirit, Amen. What do an annoyed apostle, an exorcism, riot, beating, imprisonment and earthquake have in common? These were the events through which the Lord increased the first congregation in Europe, at Philippi. No mission board, church planter, evangelist, district president or synodical convention could have imagined outreach in this way. The Lord did. He is the God of surprises. The Lord is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask, think or imagine according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations (Ephesians 3:20-21).
Paul and Silas were baptized for this moment. They were buried with Jesus into His death. The public humiliation, beating and wounds connected them anew to the passion of Jesus Christ. Like Peter and John they rejoiced that they were worthy to suffer dishonor for the name of Jesus (Acts 5:41). Their prayers and hymns caught the attention of every prisoner, the jailer included. What manner of men sings and rejoices when beaten bloodied and shackled? The jailer listened. These men were specifically put into his care. He locks them in the inner prison. Who are these guys? Who is this Jesus they keep mentioning?
Around midnight an earthquake opens the prison doors and loosens the chains of all the incarcerated. Fearing the worst, the jailer thinks the men have escaped. He concludes that it would be better to fall on his own sword rather than face the brutality of the authorities for failing in his duties. Sensing what was taking place, Paul shouts in a loud voice assuring the jailer that all are present and no one has escaped. Who are these men? They stay when they could have fled; they are more concerned about saving his life than escaping with their own.
This was no accident. Lives are spared in the earthquake that souls may be saved for eternity. The jailer cries out for this greater salvation. Paul and Silas direct him to Jesus. The jailer and his household are baptized into Christ’s death and resurrection. In a scene reminiscent of the woman who washed Jesus feet with her tears, the grateful jailer washes the wounds of Silas and Paul. He further provides food for their wearied bodies. The Lord integrated these events and knit these lives together. Jesus is serious about adding to the church daily those who were being saved.
Work in Philippi was cut short for Paul and Silas. The Lord grows His church when and where He wills among those who hear the Gospel. They jailer and his family were baptized for this moment. Along with Lydia and her household, they remained to tell everyone what God has done. The Spirit accomplished much in Philippi. An annoyed Paul casts out a spirit of divination from a slave girl who was following them. This angered her owners who saw her fortune telling income drying up. A riot erupts. Paul and Silas are stripped by the mob and beaten under the approving eyes of the magistrates. Wounded and humiliated Paul and Silas are put into the securest part of the prison. Rather than curse, grumble and complain they pray, praise and give thanks. The Lord uses all of it; even in apparent defeat the Lord works.
This side of heaven the church labors under the cross of her Lord Jesus Christ. It is a burden and yoke that Jesus makes easy and light. Christians are facing increasingly difficult times. The culture no longer respects the church as it did. Opposition is rising; persecution coming. Fear not! Jesus travelled this road on the way to Golgotha. You were there with Jesus. Through Baptism into His death you die to sin and rise daily as a new creation. The old has gone new things have come. Jesus saves you through the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit whom He has poured out richly upon you in your Baptism. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has caused you to be born from above through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
The Lord used Paul and Silas’ public beating, arrest and imprisonment to further His kingdom. We who confess Jesus’ name today are blessed. Blessed even when reviled, blessed even when cursed. You are blessed to be a blessing. Freely have you received, freely give. This side of heaven you will never know the full impact of your daily confession and witness to Him who loved you and gave Himself for you. God knows. He is faithful. His Word works. As the hymn notes, eternity will reveal the pattern in the seeds that are sown. Rejoice, that your names are written in heaven. Rejoice, you are baptized for this moment. Amen.